The newest love of my life is artist Luigi Ghirri. I was in the library the other day and found his book by accident, It's Beautiful Here, Isn't It while I was looking for something else. I checked it out on a whim and have found myself lost in it ever since. Ghirri was an Italian photographer whose work was very well known in Italy but only recently discovered in the U.S. (his work still doesn't have the international audience it ought to). The book, It's Beautiful Here, Isn't It (published by Aperture in 2008) is the first book of his work published in the U.S. The work serves as an exploration of Italian landscapes from the 70's and 80's (what took us so long?!). William Eggleston wrote the preface. His work shared the same sensibilities as the photographers from the New Color and New Topographics movement. The way he observes the world is quite painterly at times, even surreal and poetic. He is considered a master of contemporary color photography with the likes of Steven Shore and Eggleston.

His work has me daydreaming about Italy now.